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Greater Nashua

Goodlander stresses importance of protecting federal student aid

NASHUA - With the U.S. Department of Education under threat, Congresswoman Maggie Goodlander (D-NH) is backing the federal TRIO programs in her effort to safeguard funding for low-income students aspiring to further themselves beyond high school. The first TRIO program, Upward Bound, was created when the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 was signed into law by then-President Lyndon Johnson. Since then, TRIO has expanded to include seven programs at more than 1,000 colleges nationwide. In New England, there are currently 16,000 students who benefit from these programs. During this year’s New England TRIO Day, Goodlander emphasized that students’ dreams of graduating from a four-year college are made possible through these programs. However, since Jan. 27, $1.1 billion have been cut from the DOE budget under President Donald Trump. “The impacts are devastating,” ...

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