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Polluted water – what’s not to like?

Every four years the American Society of Civil Engineers rates America’s infrastructure by issuing a report, Report Card for America’s Infrastructure. It covers many areas such as bridges, ports, roads, public parks, etc. In 2021 the Report Card gave infrastructure for public parks a score ...

Tax relief

I am pleased to report that hard-working folks in the towns of Senate District 11 will be getting even more help this year because of decisions we made in Concord in the 2022 legislative session. This year’s tax relief adds to the significant savings we provided taxpayers last year. In fact, ...

The real sanctity of life

As I see more misinformation being spread about the forced birth movement, I feel morally compelled to speak up. Speaking strictly from a financial and economic perspective, given the nature of this publication, the consequences will be steep. Unplanned pregnancies happen most often to people ...

No one is above the law

Millions of military men and women, police officers and political leaders take an oath of allegiance to the United States of America. You have to hammer the fundamental truth as forcefully as those who cling to the “Big Lie” and the “Big Steal.” Truth be told, the nation as a whole ...

Your vote can help

This is an open letter to the Nashua area Legislators asking for your help. I know that Primary Day (Sept. 13) is obviously an important day for you, but please do not forget another important day: Sept. 15 is Veto Override Day, starting at 1 p.m. in the State Capitol. Gov. Chris Sununu ...

Why should you care?

Many people don’t vote for Executive Council because they don’t know what it is or what it does. Our state Constitution created the important Executive Council of five elected members to check the governor’s power. Its job is to approve or not approve: nominees to state courts, ...