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An inquiry into fashion industry inclusivity

“Do not live someone else’s life and someone else’s idea of what womanhood is. Womanhood is you.” — actress Viola Davis As women navigating the modern world, we are constantly presented with a very narrow view of what women look like, which is reinforced everywhere we look — ...

Burundi proves free market critics wrong

It’s no secret: The free market has its critics in the United States. Elected officials routinely scapegoat free enterprise as the source of America’s problems, claiming it is “not a redeemable system.” Apparently, the free market has been “failing” for years. It’s no wonder ...

Congress wants to expand IRS and give it more of your info

Natassia Smick, a mother of two, is working on getting her bachelor’s degree. She and her husband earn around $33,000 annually and depend on $2,000 from the earned-income tax credit to help make ends meet. Unfortunately, instead of getting the tax refund they were owed and relied on, the ...

President Biden — the unifier in chief

We often wish to give ourselves the benefit of the doubt. We want to believe that we can come together for a common cause when in reality, we are more likely to come together against a common enemy. History has shown us that a mutual hatred against an external entity has a greater probability ...

The future of the family dinner hour

I grew up in a family that ate dinner together every night. I remember seeing my father feel crestfallen when Hubert Humphrey lost to Richard Nixon in 1968. The margin of loss was small (0.7 percent of the popular vote), and as a family, we had the opportunity to digest why my dad cared so ...

The stealth threat of a new constitutional convention

Advocates of holding a new constitutional convention have filed a lawsuit in Texas, asking a federal court to order a constitutional convention to be held in Kansas by January 31, 2023. A U.S. representative has introduced legislation to provide for a convention. The bill will not move forward ...