The next time Republicans control all three branches of government they may wish to visit an old idea - the flat tax. When magazine publisher and Republican Steve Forbes ran for president in 1996, the flat tax was at the heart of his campaign.
Forbes lost the nomination to Bob Dole, who lost ...
The execution of a search warrant on the home of former President Donald Trump has brought to mind a dark and dangerous side of law enforcement. The idea of government agents rummaging through the private possessions on the private property of anyone against that person’s will brings back the ...
Much has been said about the Inflation Reduction Act’s historic investments in climate mitigation. Make no mistake, much of this investment is directed toward typical Americans’ pocketbooks, offering tax credits and incentives to buy electric vehicles, convert homes to solar power and help ...
The new college football season is upon us, and it comes at a moment of considerable upheaval.
Longstanding allegiances are being disposed of, with schools like the University of Texas and UCLA announcing their departures from their historical conferences for wealthier pastures. Meanwhile, ...
A new day is breaking for the nuclear industry in the United States. There are four drivers of the new enthusiasm for nuclear power, which is being felt throughout the utility world.
First, nuclear is “dispatchable.” That is the term for the power you can rely on; power that will be there ...
The disconnect between the global elite and the real world is growing daily. Most people are worn down by the pandemic, food and energy price hikes, and general inflation, and they worry about a recession. Yet, the chattering classes are jetting into conferences in Davos or Aspen to declare ...