AARP New Hampshire urges PUC to protect customers from unfair hikes
AARP New Hampshire recently filed a petition urging the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission to require additional testimony in the Eversource rate case currently before the commission. In light of the coronavirus pandemic, growing economic uncertainty and the drop in energy demand, AARP is fighting to ensure utility customers receive essential services at affordable rates.
The PUC is currently considering a request to raise rates as much as 24% for Eversources’s residential customers. The AARP filing asks the PUC to revisit the calculations and projections that will determine Eversource’s future rates based on the new economic climate, including an updated forecast of demand.
“As Granite Staters face the uncertainties of the pandemic, we can’t afford utility rate hikes based on outdated information,” said AARP New Hampshire State Director Todd Fahey. “Interest rates have dropped, energy demand has been reduced, and more Granite Staters are struggling to make ends meet.”
The Eversource proposal before the PUC would:
• Raise residential rates 23.9%, which is higher than any other rate class.
• Establish a new surcharge (DRAM) that almost automatically increases customer bills.
• Increase the customer charge – the fixed charge customers pay before even turning on the lights.
• Continue a surcharge (LRAM), also known as “decoupling,” which can raise rates when customers’ usage declines.
• Continue the time of day rate, under which most customers are worse off than they would be on the standard rate.
Fahey added, “AARP will continue to fight on behalf of Granite Staters 50 and older to keep utility rates fair and reasonable. We urge the PUC to consider the impacts of the pandemic as it decides the Eversource rate case.”
AARP encourages New Hampshire residents to voice their concerns about the proposed rate increase at