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Harbor Care celebrates Peter Kelleher’s 40 years of leadership

By Dean Shalhoup - Senior Staff Writer | Oct 28, 2022

(Telegraph photo by DEAN SHALHOUP) Peter Kelleher receives one of several gifts presented to him during a retirement reception celebrating his 40-year career as head of Harbor Care, the former Harbor Homes. Presenting the gift is Hillary Keating, right, who, with her husband Bob, are longtime volunteers and benefactors of the agency.

Editor’s Note: A full chronicling of Peter Kelleher’s 40 years of leadership at Harbor Care, formerly Harbor Homes, will be the topic of Dean Shalhoup’s column in the Nov. 6 edition of The Sunday Telegraph.

NASHUA — Peter Kelleher was still in his 20s when he applied for a position at Harbor Homes, the name given to a group of volunteers — most of them family members of someone with mental illness — who had been meeting regularly with a goal of incorporation as an agency focused on supporting individuals with mental illness in Greater Nashua.

Kelleher would turn out to be the successful applicant for the position of director, and just recently, in an agency newsletter, he recalled taking a seat at the large dining room table on the first floor of a former apartment building at 3 Winter St.

Kelleher, now 68 and in the process of retiring, was the guest of honor at a Thursday evening reception, one of several events designed to pay tribute to the man who would step away from that dining room table full of ideas and the willingness to put in the long hours to bring them to fruition.

Colleague after present and former colleague stepped up to a microphone to congratulate Kelleher, who sat in the front row with members of his family for a nearly one-hour speaking program that drew equal parts laughs and tears.

Among those appearing via video was Henry Och, who has been named the agency’s chief operating officer, becoming just the second leader in 40 years.

Characteristically brief in his remarks, Kelleher was clearly humbled by the words of each speaker, who ranged from current and former board members and program leaders to department employees.

Dean Shalhoup may be reached at 594-1256 or dshalhoup@nashuatelegraph.com.