Proposed asphalt manufacturing plant topic of Thursday public hearing
NASHUA — Barring an 11th hour continuance, opponents of the proposal to build an asphalt manufacturing plant, along with a four-bay garage, offices and storage buildings, on a presently unoccupied site near the intersection of Temple and East Hollis streets, will be able to voice their opinions at Thursday’s Planning Board meeting.
A public hearing is scheduled as part of the meeting, which begins at 7 p.m. this Thursday at Nashua City Hall. The public may attend in person or via Zoom, the link and instructions for which can be found on the Planning Board’s agenda, which is under “agenda center” on the city website,
The controversial proposal appears to have more opponents than supporters, but the applicants, listed as Greenridge LLC, and the property owners, as 145 Temple Street LLC, do have current city zoning on their side.
The site, which is in Ward 7, has been zoned “general industrial/transit oriented development” for decades, and hasn’t been reviewed for possible rezoning. Since asphalt production facilities are classified as industrial operations, building a plant on the property is still a permitted use.
Mayor Jim Donchess came out in opposition of the proposed plant in January.
“An asphalt plant at that location would create detrimental environmental issues and add noise and traffic, all of which would have a negative impact on neighborhood residents,” Donchess said in a statement.
This kind of project would not only impact nearby property values, but it is “inconsistent with the city’s 2022 Master Plan and the East Hollis Street Master Plan,” Donchess said.
“I am urging the Planning Board to consider the requirements of the overlay zoning and deny this petition,” he added.
The proposal appears in four parts on Thursday’s agenda, all of which are under “old business.”
One addresses subdivision plans, and calls for a proposed three-lot subdivision on the property.
The other three applications are listed under site plans. One proposes the construction of a 4-bay garage, office and storage; another would “add asphalt manufacturing” to the site, while the third would “add proposed office use.”
Dean Shalhoup may be reached at 594-1256 or