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Another Viewpoint

Liz Cheney’s star turn

The House Jan. 6 Committee will begin a series of prime-time hearings this week, starting on June 9. For the past 11 months, Rep. Liz Cheney has been the face and the voice of the committee. Like the Greek goddess of retribution, Nemesis, she has brought down her hammer on former President ...

Jimmy Kimmel’s comedian cuddle with Biden

President Joe Biden hasn't granted an interview to a news outlet since Feb. 10. Some might energetically assert these four months of avoidance ended on June 8, when Biden sat down on ABC's "Jimmy Kimmel Live." But absolutely no one should consider this 24-minute sponge bath a news interview. It ...

Prepare for blackouts across the U.S. as summer takes hold

Just when it didn’t seem things couldn’t get worse — gasoline at $5 to $8 a gallon, supply shortages in everything from baby formula to new cars — comes the devastating news that many of us will endure electricity blackouts this summer. The alarm was sounded by the nonprofit North ...

Adapting to reliance on imports of battery metals is dangerous

Of all the serious issues surrounding U.S. energy resources, few are more important to America than the one the Biden administration is sidestepping. The need for a new mining policy to end our dependence on China for lithium and other crucial raw materials. Although lithium is critically ...

New developments on the antitrust front

Over the last few months, lawmakers in the House and Senate have considered a slate of antitrust proposals that would do everything from enshrining the consumer welfare standard into law to forcibly breaking up big tech companies. Despite many bills under consideration, Congress is yet to pass ...

China upsets U.S. in rivalry for South Pacific

The South Pacific is again a battleground. China is not nearly at the stage of taking over any of the 15 islands stretching across the region of Oceania, but it is disturbing the foes of Chinese expansionism. This week, China’s foreign minister, Wang Yi, is touching down on eight islands in ...